Cloud Shell

Use the Azure Cloud Shell if you are looking for the quickest way to run Terraform on Azure.


Azure Cloud Shell is a browser-based shell that provides access to various tools and services for managing Azure resources, and includes common binaries including git, az, jq and terraform in its container image.

The Cloud Shell is ideal for quick demos, small test and dev projects, or for training groups. Many of the labs on this site assume Cloud Shell as it simplifies the pre-reqs.


  • Cloud Shell includes a recent version of Terraform
  • Cloud Shell will automatically authenticate
  • Cloud Shell saves the state file in Azure Storage blob
  • Cloud Shell has the Monaco editor, with syntax highlighting for HCL files


  • Single user only; not designed for teams
  • No control over Terraform version
  • No sudo
  • Unsuited to long sessions due to timeouts

Accessing Cloud Shell

Access the Azure Cloud Shell via >_ at the top of the Azure portal or via

  1. Open Cloud Shell

    These labs assume the Bash experience.

    Upon first use, you’ll be prompted to create the Storage Account used to persist the home directory and cloudshell mount.

  2. Check your subscription context.

    az account show

    Check that you are in the right subscription or switch.

    Note that the command output includes user.cloudShellID: true. It is assumed that you have Owner or Contributor on the subscription.

Create example files

We’ll run through a quick example, creating a resource group.

  1. Make a working directory

    mkdir terraform-envs
  2. Switch to it

    cd ~/terraform-envs
  3. Create empty files

  4. List the files

    ls -l
  5. Open the editor

    code .
  6. Select the file in the file explorer pane

    Note that the filename is now shown above the editing pane.

  7. Paste the code below in the editing pane on the right

    terraform {
      required_providers {
        azurerm = {
          source  = "hashicorp/azurerm"
          version = ">=3.50.0"
    provider "azurerm" {
      features {}

    Use CTRL+V to paste, or CTRL+SHIFT+V to paste as text.

    Note the syntax highlighting.

    Monaco editor in Azure Cloud Shell

  8. Save

    Press CTRL+S to save.

    Unsaved files have a dot on the filename tab. This will disappear once saved.

  9. Repeat for the other files

    variable "resource_group_name" {
      description = "Name for the resource group."
      type        = string
      default     = "myExampleResourceGroup"
    variable "location" {
      description = "Azure region."
      type        = string
      default     = "UK South"

    resource "azurerm_resource_group" "example" {
      name     = var.resource_group_name
      location = var.location

    output "id" {
      value =

    Don’t forget to use CTRL+S.

Terraform workflow

Run through the standard Terraform workflow.

  1. Initialise

    terraform init

    The azurerm provider will be downloaded locally.

  2. Plan

    terraform plan

    The config plan shows a single resource group in uksouth called myExampleResourceGroup.

  3. Apply

    terraform apply

    Respond “yes” when prompted to create the empty resource group.

  4. Destroy

    terraform destroy

    The resource group is removed.

Summing up

Cloud Shell is great for the quick and dirty work, and for use in training. It has most of what you need, and is always accessible if you have a network connection.

However, if you are doing a lot of work then you may want a fuller setup directly on your machine. In the next environment we’ll

  • install a set of tools
  • deploy using a service principal
  • store the state file in Azure

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