
Add an azapi_resource block into your Terraform config to create the Web PubSub resource.


Date Description
2021-04-29 Azure Web PubSub in Public Preview
2021-08-02 Developers start testing the preview functionality
2021-11-16 Azure Web PubSub goes GA
2021-12-06 Developers ask to include Web PubSub in the Terraform config

The developers would like to have the Web PubSub resource created by Terraform. Unfortunately it is not yet showing as a resource type in the docs for azurerm v2.93.

Still, you know how to drive Web PubSub creation using the REST API. Time to create an azapi_resource as a small proof of concept.


  1. Azure subscription
  2. Microsoft.SignalRService provider is registered
  3. Existing resource group

The examples use “myResourceGroup”

Initial configuration

These labs will use a single file throughout so that all of the changes are in one place. A common convention is to have separate files for Terraform, e.g.,,,

  1. Create a working directory

    mkdir ~/azapi-labs
  2. Change directory

    cd ~/azapi-labs
  3. Create a

    Copy in the code block below and save.

    terraform {
      required_providers {
        azurerm = {
          source  = "hashicorp/azurerm"
          version = "=2.93"
    provider "azurerm" {
      features {}
    resource "azurerm_resource_group" "azapi_labs" {
      name     = "azapi_labs"
      location = "West Europe"

    Note that the azurerm provider is pinned to v2.93.

  4. Initialise

    terraform init
  5. Apply

    terraform apply


When creating the azapi_resource, you can either specify the location as an argument or embed it into the JSON.

There are a few options for the JSON body. The recommended approaches are to use either the jsonencode() function, or the file() or templatefile() functions.

In this lab we will use jsonencode, but for large sections of JSON then using files can make your config more readable. See this repo for an example using templatefile() to create a Data Collection Rule for Azure Monitor.

  1. Add azapi to the required providers

    Update the required_providers block in

    terraform {
      required_providers {
        azurerm = {
          source  = "hashicorp/azurerm"
          version = "=2.93"
        azapi = {
          source  = "azure/azapi"
          version = "=0.3.0"
  2. Add the azapi provider block

    provider "azapi" {}
  3. Add the azapi_resource block

    resource "azapi_resource" "webpubsub" {
      type      = "Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub@2021-10-01"
      name      = "azapi-labs-richeney"
      parent_id =
      location  = azurerm_resource_group.azapi_labs.location
      body = jsonencode({
        sku = {
          name = "Free_F1"
          capacity = 1

    ⚠️ You should select a different and globally unique value for name as it forms part of the FQDN.

    Note how the URL maps to the arguments. Here is the REST API URI to match the block:

    And here is the original JSON block from the REST API call. Note the change in format to HCL in the resource block above:

      "sku": {
        "name": "Free_F1",
        "capacity": 1
      "location": "westeurope"

    The benefit of using jsonencode() is that Terraform will confirm that the output JSON is syntactically valid.

  4. Initialise

    terraform init

    You need to reinitialise Terraform as you have now included a new provider. The init will download it.

  5. Plan

    terraform plan
  6. Apply

    terraform apply


Terraform uses the azapi provider to create the Web PubSub resource.

  1. Check for the resource in the portal


  2. List the identifiers in state

    terraform state list

    Example output:

  3. Display the resource attributes from state

    terraform state show azapi_resource.webpubsub

    Example output:

    # azapi_resource.webpubsub:
    resource "azapi_resource" "webpubsub" {
        body                      = jsonencode(
                sku = {
                    capacity = 1
                    name     = "Free_F1"
        id                        = "/subscriptions/2ca40be1-7e80-4f2b-92f7-06b2123a68cc/resourceGroups/azapi_labs/providers/Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/azapi-labs-richeney"
        ignore_casing             = false
        ignore_missing_property   = false
        location                  = "westeurope"
        name                      = "azapi-labs-richeney"
        output                    = jsonencode({})
        parent_id                 = "/subscriptions/2ca40be1-7e80-4f2b-92f7-06b2123a68cc/resourceGroups/azapi_labs"
        schema_validation_enabled = true
        tags                      = {}
        type                      = "Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub@2021-10-01"


You have successfully used the azapi provider to create a resource via the REST API.

Note that you can also use azapi_resource to create child resources. An example would be the Web Pub Sub Hubs. The parent_id in this case would be the Web Pub Sub resource ID rather than the resource ID for the resource group.

Let’s go forward in time a couple of months, to the release of v2.94, and see how to switch from azapi to a native resource definition.

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