Creating Policy via the CLI

Specify the allowed VM SKU sizes using the Azure CLI.


Most organizations want to give users freedom to create resources within Azure, but want to avoid users creating certain types of resources as some can be very expensive. In this lab we’ll specify which virtual machines a user is allowed to create and we’ll use Azure CLI to do so.

Registering the Policy provider

  1. As we’re working in Azure CLI, we first we need to check that the policy resource provider is registered:

    az provider show --namespace Microsoft.PolicyInsights --query registrationState --output tsv

    If not then register:

    az provider register --namespace Microsoft.PolicyInsights

Viewing policy definitions and assignments

  1. Let’s have a look at the current assignments through cli. We should be able to see the work we did in the previous lab.

    View current assignments

    az policy assignment list -o jsonc

    No results? The default scope on the above command is on the subscription you’re logged into, so you cannot see the assignments with scopes of management groups or resource groups without specifying it. To see all assignments you must disable the scope match

    az policy assignment list --disable-scope-strict-match -o jsonc
  2. Let’s see if there are any built in definitions to restrict which VM SKUs can be used:

    To view all definitions:

    az policy definition list -o table

    Or to search for an existing definition containing “virtual machine”:

    az policy definition list --query "[?contains(displayName, 'virtual machine')]" -o table

    Notice the name column is a GUID (and remains the same across all tenants), and we can use the GUID in the next query to view the json of this policy definition.

    az policy definition show -n cccc23c7-8427-4f53-ad12-b6a63eb452b3 -o jsonc
      "description": "This policy enables you to specify a set of virtual machine SKUs that your organization can deploy.",
      "displayName": "Allowed virtual machine SKUs",
      "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyDefinitions/cccc23c7-8427-4f53-ad12-b6a63eb452b3",
      "metadata": {
        "category": "Compute"
      "mode": "Indexed",
      "name": "cccc23c7-8427-4f53-ad12-b6a63eb452b3",
      "parameters": {
        "listOfAllowedSKUs": {
          "metadata": {
            "description": "The list of SKUs that can be specified for virtual machines.",
            "displayName": "Allowed SKUs",
            "strongType": "VMSKUs"
          "type": "Array"
      "policyRule": {
        "if": {
          "allOf": [
              "equals": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines",
              "field": "type"
              "not": {
                "field": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/",
                "in": "[parameters('listOfAllowedSKUs')]"
        "then": {
          "effect": "Deny"
      "policyType": "BuiltIn",
      "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/policyDefinitions"

Assign an inbuilt policy

  1. Now we know the policy name, what it does, what it needs so we can assign it.

    # Set the definition
    # Set the scope to the PolicyLab resource group used in Lab1
    scope=$(az group show --name 'PolicyLab' --output tsv --query id)
    # Set the Policy Parameter (JSON format)
    policyparam='{ "listOfAllowedSKUs": { "value": ["Standard_D2s_v3", "Standard_D4s_v3", "Standard_DS1_v2", "Standard_DS2_v2"]}}'
    # Create the Policy Assignment
    az policy assignment create --name 'Allowed Virtual Machine SKUs' --display-name 'Allowed Virtual Machine SKUs' --scope $scope --policy $definition --params "$policyparam" --output jsonc

Test the policy

  1. Now let’s test

    Using a Standard_B1s should fail

    az vm create -n Lab2VM -g PolicyLab --image UbuntuLTS --admin-username policyuser --size Standard_B1s

    Using a Standard_D2s_v3 should succeed

    az vm create -n Lab2VM -g PolicyLab --image UbuntuLTS --admin-username policyuser --size Standard_D2s_v3

    Policy Definition Figure 1: Policy Test

Finishing up

That concludes this lab, where we’ve learnt about applying an inbuilt policy using the Azure CLI. The resources you’ve created will be used in the next lab so don’t delete them yet.

Next we’ll group policies together using an initiative and use automatic remediation.

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