Using service principals

Add a service principal to the authorizations. Learn how to configure Partner Admin Link for service principals.


One of the recommendations in the official FAQ for Partner Admin Link is to use a service principal from the managed service provider tenant in your Azure Lighthouse definitions.

On this page:

  1. Create a service principal
  2. Use it in an Azure Lighthouse definition
  3. Link the service principal to your MPN ID with the Azure CLI

Create a service principal

  1. Create the service principal

    In this example I will create a service principal for Terraform deployments.

    az ad sp create-for-rbac --name "http://terraform"

    The cosmetic name is optional but recommended.

    Example output:

      "appId": "59611dd1-bfff-4fe0-b806-113262f43a3f",
      "displayName": "http://terraform",
      "password": "<redacted>",
      "tenant": "3c584bbd-915f-4c70-9f2e-7217983f22f6"

    ⚠️ Store the output JSON as you’ll need the password later.

  2. Display the object ID

    You will reference the object id - not the app id - of the service principal in Azure Lighthouse definitions.

    az ad sp show --id <appId> --query id --output tsv

    You can also use the OData filters if you only have the display name, e.g.

    az ad sp list --filter "displayname eq 'http://terraform'" --query [0].id --output tsv

    The service principal’s object id is e11d5c66-9c16-488a-afce-fd4da574296d in the example below.

Lighthouse definition

Example service principal lighthouse definition:

    "$schema": "",
    "contentVersion": "",
    "variables": {
        "name": "Basic Support Service + Terraform",
        "roleDefinitionId": {
            "Contributor": "b24988ac-6180-42a0-ab88-20f7382dd24c",
            "ManagedServicesRegistrationAssignmentDeleteRole": "91c1777a-f3dc-4fae-b103-61d183457e46",
            "Reader": "acdd72a7-3385-48ef-bd42-f606fba81ae7",
            "SupportRequestContributor": "cfd33db0-3dd1-45e3-aa9d-cdbdf3b6f24e"
        "management": {
            "objectId": "9d2b2ec1-a465-431f-91d3-546f97b8fb26",
            "name": "Managed Service Management"
        "consultants": {
            "objectId": "30f86a83-b2a9-477a-90d6-23e51042839a",
            "name": "Managed Service Consultants"
        "terraform": {
            "objectId": "e11d5c66-9c16-488a-afce-fd4da574296d",
            "name": "Service principal - http://terraform"
    "resources": [
            "type": "Microsoft.ManagedServices/registrationDefinitions",
            "apiVersion": "2019-06-01",
            "name": "[guid(concat('Azure Citadel - ', variables('name')))]",
            "properties": {
                "registrationDefinitionName": "[variables('name')]",
                "description": "Azure support services for call logging and call management (L0/L1). Terraform for CI/CD pipelines.",
                "managedByTenantId": "3c584bbd-915f-4c70-9f2e-7217983f22f6",
                "authorizations": [
                        "principalIdDisplayName": "[variables('management').name]",
                        "principalId": "[variables('management').objectId]",
                        "roleDefinitionId": "[variables('roleDefinitionId').ManagedServicesRegistrationAssignmentDeleteRole]"
                        "principalIdDisplayName": "[variables('consultants').name]",
                        "principalId": "[variables('consultants').objectId]",
                        "roleDefinitionId": "[variables('roleDefinitionId').Reader]"
                        "principalIdDisplayName": "[variables('consultants').name]",
                        "principalId": "[variables('consultants').objectId]",
                        "roleDefinitionId": "[variables('roleDefinitionId').SupportRequestContributor]"
                        "principalIdDisplayName": "[variables('terraform').name]",
                        "principalId": "[variables('terraform').objectId]",
                        "roleDefinitionId": "[variables('roleDefinitionId').Contributor]"

Note that this example makes greater use of variable objects. It is entirely up to you whether you follow the same approach or just hard code values in the resource section.

Using variable like this does make the authorization section easier to understand and ensures that the cosmetic strings will be consistent.

⚠️ Remember to use the file as a template, and to customise your own tenant ID, service principal object ID, security group object IDs and cosmetic descriptions.

Here is how the role would look in the portal:

Linking service principals

Creating a PAL link for service principals make a lot of sense as they do not hand in their notice!

The partner will then be recognised for the ACR if the service principal has a PEC eligible role in the authorizations.

Azure CLI

  1. Retrieve the appId and tenantId

    az ad sp show --id <objectId> --query "{appId:appId, tenantId:appOwnerOrganizationId}" --output yamlc

    Example output:

    appId: 59611dd1-bfff-4fe0-b806-113262f43a3f
    tenantId: 3c584bbd-915f-4c70-9f2e-7217983f22f6
  2. Authenticate as the service principal

    The format of the az login command for service principals using a password (or client secret) is:

    az login --service-principal --user <appId> --password <password> --tenant <tenantId>

    You will need the service principal’s password from earlier.

    You can reset service principal credentials with az ad sp credential reset.

    Example output:

        "cloudName": "AzureCloud",
        "homeTenantId": "3c584bbd-915f-4c70-9f2e-7217983f22f6",
        "id": "9b7a166a-267f-45a5-b480-7a04cfc1edf6",
        "isDefault": true,
        "managedByTenants": [],
        "name": "Azure Citadel (Internal)",
        "state": "Enabled",
        "tenantId": "3c584bbd-915f-4c70-9f2e-7217983f22f6",
        "user": {
          "name": "59611dd1-bfff-4fe0-b806-113262f43a3f",
          "type": "servicePrincipal"

ℹ️ Using a system assigned managed identity? Just use az login --identity on the trusted compute to authenticate.

  1. Create the partner admin link

    You will need your location based MPN ID.

    az managementpartner create --partner-id <mpnId>

    Example output:

      "objectId": "e11d5c66-9c16-488a-afce-fd4da574296d",
      "partnerId": "31415927",
      "partnerName": "Azure Citadel Ltd",
      "state": "Active",
      "tenantId": "3c584bbd-915f-4c70-9f2e-7217983f22f6"

    Note that PAL links the service principal (tenantId/objectId) to the partnerId.


Here is some additional information for those who don’t have the Azure CLI installed.

I was helping a partner with a Managed Application and shows how to use the undocumented REST API to create the Partner Admin Link to your MPN ID.

This example is for a system assigned managed identity on a RHEL linux server.

  1. Install jq

    sudo dnf install jq -y
  2. Use the Instance Metadata Service to get a token

    token=$(curl -sSL -H "Metadata:true" '' | jq -r .access_token)
  3. Define the REST API uri


    ⚠️ Set the mpnid variable to your location based Microsoft Partner ID.

  4. Create the PAL link

    curl --silent \
      --header "Authorization: Bearer ${token}" \
      --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
      --data '{"partnerId": "'${mpnid}'"}' \
      --request PUT \

    Using the example MPN ID, the JSON payload would be:

    {"partnerId": "31415927"}

    And the uri would be:



On the next page we will look at an example with Privileged Identity Management.

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