Managed Apps with AKS HOL

Lab walkthrough of creating and publishing an AKS Managed Application Offer


AKS and container offers can (at the time of writing - March 2022) be published as managed application offers in the commercial marketplace. There are some caveats. For more information see Usage of Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) and containers in managed application

In this HOL, we will deploy a managed application based on AKS that pulls container images from a private registry in the publisher tenant. We will also see how to manage publisher secrets by pulling from a key vault in the publisher tenant to a key vault in the managed app and mounting as K8S secrets.

The lab has instructions for deploying via ARM templates, as a service catalog managed application and as a marketplace application.

The lab also introduces notifications and automating the deployment of the K8S application using a DevOps CD pipeline.


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